Thursday, August 20, 2009


Hey there,

Everything's going great around here. Carter is very close to 7 months old, is sitting up well, and is playing with his brother when he can. Miles had his first dentist appointment to Dr. B (Dr. Blen) and did a great job. He is officially in his big boy bed and sleeps well through the night most nights. Carter is trying to sneak in a bottle between 1:00 am and 2:30 am, but he is going to be weaned off of that, pending a weight check next week. He loves eating and watching Miles. He hasn't figured out that he can't walk but he wants to badly.
Last week when we were in LR, we were having cheese dip before lunch at Buffalo Grill (yum!) and Miles looked around the table, said "WAIT A MINUTE, MOMMY", grabbed my sister's hand and mine, looked down and said "pay". I said, "You're right Miles! Thank you for reminding us." He soaks in so much. He "prays" by closing his eyes, mumbling, and looking up saying "Amen." At night, he can do some of "Now I Lay me Down to Sleep"--he's working at that.
Here they are having a bath as well as playing on a hotel bed in Fayetteville last week. They really are hilarious to watch. Miles has all of his teeth, I think he was eating and it looks like he doesn't have any on the left.

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