Monday, October 12, 2009

Carter's crawling!

So, Carter started crawling on September 30. Miles put his Grizzlies flag across the room and said, "Carter, come get it." And, Carter went and got it. They are great together and I am often caught in the crossfire of the wrestling matches.

Carter is also cruising quite well and is standing for 2-3 seconds so he should be walking by Thanksgiving, I think. They are both doing better at night but Miles doesn't fall asleep until he has pulled every book off the shelf, every shirt out of his drawer and has run around his room a dozen times. Carter is sleeping longer, but still waking momentarily between 3:00 am and 4:00. am.

I finally bought a side by side stroller which I put together on Sunday, anticipating an after nap walk. Miles has a cough and runny nose, so I figured that he would rather not be pushed around in the wind. I love the two-kid shopping cart at 240 Target. It saved my life on Saturday. Miles insists on walking but if he's sitting next to Carter in the double cart, he's fine. It's better than the car cart at Kroger, because both of them can sit in it and still leave me the entire cart.

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